This summer

I’m back! It’s been months since I last blogged, and that was very slacky content too. I’m really wanting to start this up again, and I want to make it more personal this time. I mean I wrote loads of personal posts back when I blogged previously (feel free to scroll back to those posts), but because they were really personal I didn’t really want to share stuff like my own pics etc. I did post pics of myself like two times. 

Anyways, now I really want to start posting my own photos, writing about my life, and just in general being more personal. I will of course still post similar stuff to what I did before (for example there’s a wedding inspo post going up in a few hours). I have loads of pictures from this summer when I traveled around Europe for about two weeks. Will most likely do one post for each city, so I can sort of “review” it thoroughly.

 Hope you’re excited and will want to read what I have to say :). I’m excited. 

P.s. the featured image is from this weekend when we spent a night in Loimaa with my choir. And the selfie is from a few weeks ago. 



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