We may not be the same, but that’s not important. No freedom until we’re equal, damn right I support it.

So Caitlyn Jenner revealed herself less than two days ago. What a beauty!! I was a bit shocked about how fast this all has happened, but thrilled for her. This is such an amazing thing for her, aswell as for our society. I didn’t really even question that the world would greet her with open arms. To me this is such a obviously fantastic thing to celebrate and praise. I noticed, however, that even one of my closest (guy)friends was a bit uncomfortable about this. I haven’t really spoken to him after talking about this, because I need a while to think about how to handle a friend with such different views than mine. I also posted a picture of Caitlyn on Instagram, and got likes and comments only from girls!? That is insane to me. Guys like my selfies and pictures of pretty much anything, but cannot like this HUGE thing that has just happened? I’m seriously shocked. Then there was also Drake Bell spreading hate on twitter by tweeting that he would “still call him Bruce”… So disgraceful.

I hope that the overwhelming support for Caitlyn Jenner continues to rule over the negative comments, and that this could teach people to be more openminded, kind, and understanding. That is exactly what Caitlyn wants. Let’s celebrate LGBT pride month without forgetting the T. Regardless of what sexuality or gender you are, celebrate the ones who might not be the same as you, cause they are equally as important.


Fuck, marry, kill?

Oh my god, first of all sorry for being so incredibly inactive!! I’ve been pretty busy lately, which is by no means the excuse for my absence. Anyways I’m back now! I’ve been very Youtube-inspired lately, so I thought I’d play a little game of fuck, marry, kill. I will just basically write them down and then explain a little. If you’re screaming NOOO at any of my choices, feel free to comment down below how you would pick and why! I’m picking my alternatives from twitter. Here we go! fuck marry kill

Taylor Swift, Tove Lø, Meghan Trainor . I feel like Taylor just has so many friends and is really loving so she’d be great to marry. Then I just dislike Meghan so that explains the other two choices.

Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, Steve Carell. I just think Adam is the only one I’d ever sleep with out of these so.

Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Eminem .
I’ve wanted to fuck Eminem for so long (haha shh no judging), and then Kanye just seems so cute the times he’s been on Kuwtk and just in general. Plus I’m obsessed with his new song Only one. So adorable. If you haven’t heard it yet you should get to it.

Bill Clinton, John F Kennedy, Barack Obama . I love Obama and he’s such a familyman, and I don’t think the other two even need to be explained?

Okay so that is it for this fuck marry kill, I hope you liked it. How would you pick?

