Happy tuesday!

I haven’t posted anything since saturday morning. Mostly because I was at the party on saturday night and I got home at like 8.30AM so my entire sunday I was pretty hungover. My sunday consisted of watching Californication and eating. I did do some tasks as well so that’s good.

Yesterday I applied for jobs again. Have to do that today too. It’s so scary to think I might not get one. Absolutely need one though, there really is no other solution. I applied for a job in Sweden yesterday, which would be so interesting. Very scary and crazy for me, but probably superrewarding and exciting. Obviously it was just an application so we’ll see, but that would be very cool. 

I am now going to clean my apartment a bit, since my sister called me yesterday and said she’s coming here today! Yay. Fun extempore trip for her. And it’s going to be nice to see her for a while. I am currently in the middle of a 5 week period of not seeing my family, which is fine, but I’m used to seeing them a lot so it’s a bit strange. Anyways will get to see my sister today and my other sister this weekend! Yay. 

Hope you have a great tuesday. x



Today is another sunny day. I’m going to my choirs second day of practice this weekend. Love these weekends that are dedicated almost solely to music. I am at peace when I sing.

Yesterday I posted my makeup look (in the sunset post), and I’ll also post my FOTD (face of the day) today. I went for only light foundation and no eyeshadow, but with a bold lip. I’m going to do my makeup all over again tonight anyway so didn’t want to wear lashes or anything right now. 

I’m going to a party tonight, which is fun, but you have to wear a toga to the party… I don’t love costume parties. Do you have fun plans for the weekend? Hope you have a lovely saturday. x

The face of anxiety

Tuesday was an anxious one. Yes it was february 14th. Not going to even call it Valentine’s because I feel like that lessens the worth of this post. My anxiety truly had nothing to do with Valentine’s. I had a great day. I had a meeting, lunch with friends, another meeting, and choir practice. After the choir I chilled with my friends for a while. A little feeling in the back of my mind was already telling me everything doesn’t feel fine, but for a while I stayed anyway. Then all of a sudden I had the urge to leave, rushed past my friends without saying Ā goodbye, and once I was outside I immediately found myself breathing in a panicked manner with tears in my eyes.

I really don’t have an explanation for this, nor do I want one or any pity for that matter. I really just wanted to tell you how a day of mine can sometimes look. So great at first and then all of a sudden there’s a turn. I am happy that I’m starting to notice when I’m about to have major anxiety. I am thankful that I left before it came out, so I didn’t have to be embarrassed there or have to explain myself. Thankfully my anxiety has reduced a lot, and this was a rare thing to happen to me now. That’s what made it extra bad I think. Because I don’t expect them anymore. That makes me feel positive about the future. I just hope this was a single incident and will not be followed by any more similar days. Here are two pictures I snapped on tuesday. The first is from the morning, when I had a hard time finding a picture to post on instagram because I was so happy in all the pictures I felt like my smile was a bit weird. The second one is after my anxiety attack, tears streaming down my face and red eyes. What a difference.

In this post I didn’t really talk about dealing with my anxiety, but trust me, I have been working very hard on myself and that is a huge part of that journey. If you want Ā I could write about it some other time? If you guys are actually interested in reading about this stuff. Sorry about a sad post, lol. x

Finding my motivation

The past maybe two years I have been finding it hard to get and stay motivated. A year and a half ago I moved out on my own, and that is one of the factors that makes staying motivated and on top of things so much more difficult. I am independent in pretty much all other aspects of my life, but when it comes to procrastination, I really need someone there to watch me so I’ll get things done. If that would happen I wouldn’t be here, in February, trying to desperately think of ways to scrape up all the credits I need to have enough schoolwork done for this year. And most importantly, I would not be stressing my butt off about having to possibly (probably) pay some of my student aid back. It’s stressful.

Obviously you have no one else to blame in situations like these, but yourself. I do blame parts of it on anxiety, but not all of it. And obviously my anxiety gets worse from not doing what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s a vicious cycle.

Lately I’ve been getting extremely motivated about my obligations in the choir, and the tasks that I have to do for that. I just wrote a long list tonight of things I want to post on the choir blog in 2017, I organized a blogmeeting, and I posted important things in our facebookgroups. Probably Ā sounds like nothing, but this was a pretty productive night for me. I also applied for a few jobs today. This weekend I need to apply to as many more as I possibly can.

Tomorrow I also have Islam-class which is very interesting. I am learning a lot. This is a very good time to educate yourself on islam, so that is what I’m doing. I think everyone would benefit from learning about how islam works just in general. Maybe that way they could see that this is really just a religion that’s part of people’s daily life and routine, just like christianity or atheism. It’s interesting to get this more and more neutral understanding of islam (even though I’ve never thought negatively about islam).

The fact that I have courses like islam and spanish this semester (courses that have mandatory attendance), means I’m getting more motivated as I’m getting into more of a routine. I love having a routine, it just seems I’ve lost it during the past year or so. I’m hoping desperately I can get back on track. Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated?



What I’m watching: Docs

My favorite genre onĀ Netflix is for sure documentaries. I am fascinated by the fates of real people, and I think documentaries find an entertaining way to teach us about the world. Here are a few of the ones I’ve watched semirecently:

  1. Lock up: Women behind bars. This one is actually a docuseries. It’s about jail, but despite it’s name it is about both female and male inmates. It is extremely interesting, even though sometimes some of the inmates are a bit ridiculous.
  2. The Hunting Ground. An extremely touching documentary about sexual assault on college campuses. This documentary definitely made me sad and quite angry at the world.
  3. Newtown. I think few will be clueless about what this documentary is about. If you’ve been an observing individual the past few years you will have heard about Newtown. This documentary is about the shooting, and mostly about how the parents are trying to continue living their lives even after going through the most horrible experience of losing their children. The sadness is unfathomable, but still I did feel a lot of pain for these poor families.
  4. My beautiful broken brain. An interesting documentary about a woman who suffered from a stroke at an exceptionally young age, and now has to learn most of her skills again, especially talking. Very interesting and makes you think about how life can change in an instant.

What I’ll be watching next:

  • Oriented
  • #chicagogirl
  • Live and Let Live
  • Backstreet Boys: Show’em what you’re made of
  • Salam Neighbor
  • Alive Inside: a Story About Music and Memory
  • Growing up Coy

Do you have any documentary suggestions? I’d love to hear some.

A year later

A great start to the week. Spanish, lunch with friends, tasks, singing, and dinner with friends. Tomorrow is Valentine’s day. I don’t have a date or anything but I do have plans. Tomorrow marks one year since my surgery (today it’s one year since I broke my leg). I feel very thankful to be healthy and fine this year. Good night! x


Good morning! I am about to eat breakfast and do my makeup, and then I’m heading to spanish class. This day and whole week is going to be quite a busy one. Hope I can be motivated through it all. A successful concert and party on saturday gave me lots of energy for this week, I honestly had the best time. Here’s a few pictures from the weekend, yesterday’s sunset was so unreal!! Hope you all have a lovely start to the week! x

Feeling lost, self-improvement, and Tony Robbins

Wow. Disclaimer: I found this post in my drafts while refreshing my memory about my blog now that I’ve returned to writing. This was written last summer. Over seven months ago. Some of it is still true to me, some things are different, but I do still think it’s worth publishing. If not anything else, at least it’s interesting to look back. Maybe some of you can relate to some of the things I wrote back then? Here’s the text:

I have struggled with anxiety for most of my teenage years. I remember when I was like 16 and thought: “Oh my god, I have been struggling with this for two whole years!”. I am now 20 and still not “better”, so that feeling of “Oh my god” has gotten a lot worse (or stronger, don’t really know which word I prefer).

My anxiety is kind of “on-and-off” if that’s a way to put it? I won’t go into details of why or such, maybe in another post down the road. Most of the time I’m not sure why. Obviously sometimes relationships play a part, but often I really have no clue where my anxiety comes from. Clearly I am not happy, so I’m not shocked by the anxiety, but for example once this summer I got anxiety at my desk at work. Like proper bad anxiety. Thankfully I could somewhat control it, (after years of practice at school, etc) but it was definitely full on anxiety, even with physical symtoms as well. And that definitely surprised me.

I don’t know why this year has felt particularly hard. It came with a lot of changes so I guess there’s that. This is for sure the year my life has changed the most so far. The pressure has also been tougher on me this year with school, work, money, friends… It has not been easy. Cause even in an “easy” year I would have anxiety, no doubt. But all the shit that’s been thrown my way this year has been pretty damaging.

I understand that with these words I write I seem like a very miserable person. I want you to understand that I am still not that. I have gotten so many great things (blessings, some might say) this year. At the end of the day I am thankful. My life is pretty good. But that is also a huge reason why my anxiety feels like absolute shit. Cause I feel like I don’t need it. WHY do I have to feel anxious when I have so many blessings? I often think it makes zero sense.

Over half of this year, and last fall too, feels pretty much wasted on anxiety. Maybe not all the time, but definitely this spring with my broken leg, and then this summer when I’ve just been very anxious and unproductive. I want this last almost-half of the year to be an uphill battle. And I don’t mean in the way where it’s going to be tough. I mean that I want to get to the top of that hill, and come out strong and “better”.

I realize that it doesn’t take only six months to change everything, and/or to cure anxiety. But I also heard something interesting the other day, that really resonated with me. I was watching the documentary “Tony Robbins: I am not your guru”, which I highly recommend! I put his name in the title, because even though I’m only briefly mentioning him, I really find him to be a genius and think you should check him out (especially the documentary on Netflix). He said that we often hear people say “It took ten months to make the change” (for example). But what we don’t often realize is that everything in our life happens in a moment. “I do, It’s over, I feel better”, all those realizations, those life-changing moments, happen in just that – a moment. Obviously it’s a process getting there, but you will get there, and realizing you’ve gotten there will happen in an instance. I am hopeful that I will get to one of those moments with time. It just sucks to wait. But I’m going to work really hard at it. I will keep you posted when I feel like it.



This Christmas it was time for Gran Canaria again. We had a very relaxing two-week long vacation. We rented the house we’ve rented twice before this already, and just had 14 days of pure relaxation. In the summertime I usually love going to new places, but in the winter it’s kind of nice to just go to a familiar place when your only true requirements are destressing and getting to see the sun for a few weeks. Our house there is starting to feel like a fourth(?) home to me, I love it there. For sure one of my happy places.

What is your happy place? x
