Happy tuesday!

I haven’t posted anything since saturday morning. Mostly because I was at the party on saturday night and I got home at like 8.30AM so my entire sunday I was pretty hungover. My sunday consisted of watching Californication and eating. I did do some tasks as well so that’s good.

Yesterday I applied for jobs again. Have to do that today too. It’s so scary to think I might not get one. Absolutely need one though, there really is no other solution. I applied for a job in Sweden yesterday, which would be so interesting. Very scary and crazy for me, but probably superrewarding and exciting. Obviously it was just an application so we’ll see, but that would be very cool. 

I am now going to clean my apartment a bit, since my sister called me yesterday and said she’s coming here today! Yay. Fun extempore trip for her. And it’s going to be nice to see her for a while. I am currently in the middle of a 5 week period of not seeing my family, which is fine, but I’m used to seeing them a lot so it’s a bit strange. Anyways will get to see my sister today and my other sister this weekend! Yay. 

Hope you have a great tuesday. x



Today is another sunny day. I’m going to my choirs second day of practice this weekend. Love these weekends that are dedicated almost solely to music. I am at peace when I sing.

Yesterday I posted my makeup look (in the sunset post), and I’ll also post my FOTD (face of the day) today. I went for only light foundation and no eyeshadow, but with a bold lip. I’m going to do my makeup all over again tonight anyway so didn’t want to wear lashes or anything right now. 

I’m going to a party tonight, which is fun, but you have to wear a toga to the party… I don’t love costume parties. Do you have fun plans for the weekend? Hope you have a lovely saturday. x

Finding my motivation

The past maybe two years I have been finding it hard to get and stay motivated. A year and a half ago I moved out on my own, and that is one of the factors that makes staying motivated and on top of things so much more difficult. I am independent in pretty much all other aspects of my life, but when it comes to procrastination, I really need someone there to watch me so I’ll get things done. If that would happen I wouldn’t be here, in February, trying to desperately think of ways to scrape up all the credits I need to have enough schoolwork done for this year. And most importantly, I would not be stressing my butt off about having to possibly (probably) pay some of my student aid back. It’s stressful.

Obviously you have no one else to blame in situations like these, but yourself. I do blame parts of it on anxiety, but not all of it. And obviously my anxiety gets worse from not doing what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s a vicious cycle.

Lately I’ve been getting extremely motivated about my obligations in the choir, and the tasks that I have to do for that. I just wrote a long list tonight of things I want to post on the choir blog in 2017, I organized a blogmeeting, and I posted important things in our facebookgroups. Probably  sounds like nothing, but this was a pretty productive night for me. I also applied for a few jobs today. This weekend I need to apply to as many more as I possibly can.

Tomorrow I also have Islam-class which is very interesting. I am learning a lot. This is a very good time to educate yourself on islam, so that is what I’m doing. I think everyone would benefit from learning about how islam works just in general. Maybe that way they could see that this is really just a religion that’s part of people’s daily life and routine, just like christianity or atheism. It’s interesting to get this more and more neutral understanding of islam (even though I’ve never thought negatively about islam).

The fact that I have courses like islam and spanish this semester (courses that have mandatory attendance), means I’m getting more motivated as I’m getting into more of a routine. I love having a routine, it just seems I’ve lost it during the past year or so. I’m hoping desperately I can get back on track. Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated?




Good morning! I am about to eat breakfast and do my makeup, and then I’m heading to spanish class. This day and whole week is going to be quite a busy one. Hope I can be motivated through it all. A successful concert and party on saturday gave me lots of energy for this week, I honestly had the best time. Here’s a few pictures from the weekend, yesterday’s sunset was so unreal!! Hope you all have a lovely start to the week! x

moving out, moving on

I think I’m still in a little bit of a shock whilst writing this post. My roommate (a.k.a best friend for the past few years) just sent me a text saying she wants to move out and will be doing so this month/next month. I don’t want to get into it any deeper, however I want to emphasise that there hasn’t been an argument or anything before this. It’s just the way she feels. There is however, an argument right now. Or no, I wouldn’t even call it an argument. It’s like she knew that doing this to me (moving out on short notice, messing up my life all of a sudden, etc.) would end our friendship, but that’s a sacrifice she was willing to take. I also know that I could easily only get mad right now knowing that it would blow over, but I’m choosing to be angry in a way that can’t be fixed. I don’t know why this is the way it’s all going down. I guess we weren’t ever really fit to be best friends.

It’s a scary thought – realizing you actually were not at all meant to stay friends, not at all a match. Our humour matches, our habits on a large scale match, and our emotional behaviour somewhat matches. But somehow we don’t match. It might be just because of our similarities. I don’t really have friends who are too similar to me.

It sounds like I’m super okay with this friendship ending. I’m definitely not. It’s unfathomable. Yet somehow, it still feels like it’s what’s supposed to happen. This has happened to me once before with one of my best friends. We talked everyday, about anything and everything. She knew me better than I knew myself. We started to drift apart, had a huge fight (after which we still tried to be friends), and then the friendship just faded out for good. It’s scary when that kind of friendship ends. One where you know that person knows everything about you. A contact falls out of your choices of who to call on your walk home late at night (a small thing, but something noticeable for me). You suddenly realise you no longer talk to the person who was supposed to be your future kid’s godmother. That’s insane.

And yet somehow, we as humans, are just built to get through these things and move on. We move on from relationships, friendships, even most deaths. Our hearts are so admirably strong, it’s hard to fathom.

This day in history

I have this new app called Shoebox, which is basically a free unlimited backup service for photos and videos. I love it. Anyway, the app also has this feature called this year in history. I guess when you’ve had it for several years it shows things that happened a few years back, but for me it’s what happened around this time last year. Today what showed up was my acceptanceletter to university last summer. It’s so crazy to think that it’s already been a year. I still don’t have a clearer idea of what I’m doing than what I did back then, lol.

However, I am fairly confident that I am in the right place. Maybe not the right city, but studying the right thing at the right university. When I say right I mean right for me. And the fact that the city doesn’t feel right is something I will be able to change once I graduate. I am fairly certain I will move back to Helsinki. Turku is too small. It’s beautiful, but not like Helsinki in my eyes. My love for Helsinki is unconditional; it’s my hometown.

I’m spending this summer in Helsinki. Paying rent for an empty apartment kind of sucks, but I am having the best time here in Helsinki. I actually got a job for one month, so that is what I’ve been doing this month. Only four days left though, which feels nice, even though I’ve loved my job (or more so the workplace). I’m hoping to travel a lot this summer. I already have a trip to Hungary in August, but I’d love to go tho Rhodes or somewhere else beachy in July, and also might take a small daytrip to Tallinn. I also might go sailing for a weekend with friends. But we’ll see what happens. I love having some free time though. After all that I’ll be going back to Turku, and it’ll probably feel almost as new as it did last year. For now I’ll enjoy my summer, as I am right now, blogging on the balcony with my dog on my lap.

What are your plans this summer? Any travelling? x


Past few meals

I decided to quickly post some of the meals I’ve been having over the past week or so. I don’t remember to take pictures very often, and my food is not very beautifully laid out or very special. My main focus is that the things I put in my body are healthy. Everything else is kind of irrelevant at this point. I also don’t particularly enjoy cooking, and I can never think of things to make so I just take whatever I have.  Do you have any healthy recipes?  xxx 


Update: instagram

Hi! During my vacation here on Gran Canaria I have not been active on my blog. I will get back to it when I get back from my trip (at the latest). I might feel inspired to blog earlier, but for now I am enjoying my vacation and not focusing on anything else. I’m also having minimal screen-time. If you do, however, want to see updates on a daily basis, feel free to follow my two instagram accounts: @klaraemiliaa and @klarasphotography. There are a few pictures up daily. I won’t be posting every single photo on the blog, so that’s also a more exclusive look at my vacation. I’m sorry about this blog being quiet, but I’m actually not sorry for taking downtime to enjoy my relaxing life. We’ll be back at it next week. Then I’ll also explain why I all of a sudden have a photography instagram as well! It’s more of a story than you might think! xxx 

Relaxing vacay

Hi! I’m in my room taking a little break from the sun before I go back and watch it go down. These past two days we’ve been laying by the pool for the majority of the time. Today me and my younger sister took a 7km walk which was pretty good. We’re not particularly active on our vacations but walks are always a nice way to stay a tiny bit active. I guess I’ll go back out there soon so I don’t miss the sunset, but I wanted to show you guys a few pictures. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, xxx.