Taking the long way home

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? – I am satisfied with most parts of it, but I’m a person who is (unfortunately) very rarely 100% satisfied. 

2. Do you drink enough water? – No… I really should though. I do drink more now than I did like a year ago. 

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? – I don’t even remember! And I’m probably still one of the only Helsinki citizens who has not yet eaten at the new ones here. I’ve only had burger king in like Italy I think. 

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? – the beach, but I do like hikes when I’m on vacay. In Finland I’d never go on a hike since all the mountains are in like Lapland and it’s so cold and ugh.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning? – Usually pissed because I’m waking up from some great dream. If I sleep too long I have a headache, so I actually prefer less sleep. 

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date? – Be taken definitely. I reeeally wanna go on a date, it’s been so long since I’ve had that cute giggly feeling and ugh I just love that feeling. 

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes? – Hmm didn’t even on my birthday so I have to say I don’t remember… Maybe when I wore high heeled winterboots? I don’t like being tall. Not that I would really be tall even in heels but… I just don’t like feeling tall. 

8. Vodka or wine? – After too many vodkashots at like every party when I was like 14-16 I definitely would say wine. I was at a dinnerparty with snaps the other week and I really could no even finish one teeny tiny glass. 

9. How often do you cry? – I don’t really cry a lot anymore. I used to when I was like 14-16 haha vodkayears… No but seriously I used to cry a lot back then, but now I usually only cry if a movie or song or something is moving and sad. Or if I get reeeally pissed off, or if I’m PMSing haha. So not really from sadness anymore. 

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher? – Um yes currently I have a major crush on one of the people who work at my school, won’t say what he teaches though haha. But he’s so sexy somehow. 

11. Can you wire a plug?WHAT…

12. Do you wear socks to bed? – Rarely, and when I do I kick them off 

13. What is currently bugging you? – That one of my best friends basically got mad at me for something and thinks I’m a slut (he has no reason for his opinion btw) and now I’m just waiting for him to contact me, which he will soon. Cause it’s been 3 days and we usually speak every day haha. Sounds super childish but oh well. 

14. Where were you when you got your first period? – I don’t even remember at all, so probably at home. Couldn’t have been anywhere dramatic at least. 

15. Can you change a car tire? – hahaha

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities? – Well I have ben to tons of concerts but I haven’t really MET the artists there. I’ve seen more than ten but I have not interacted with them. 

17. Do you sleep naked? – When it’s really hot or if I’m sleeping with someone or if I’m too lazy to look for jammies… 

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended? – Gah this is so hard. Literally can’t choose between Justin Bieber, One Direction, Lana del Rey and Maroon 5.

19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow? – On tumblr that is… No I don’t know any of them and don’t really care about what they look like, I just follow them for the cool posts. 

20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot? – I’m not really interested so Idk. 

21. Favourite Disney princess? – Belle

22. Favourite city? – I really love Venice, Paris, New york, St. Paul’s bay, Stockholm, and obvy Helsinki. 

23. Can you drive? – No, I could get my license now but I just don’t need it yet. 

24. Cigarettes or alcohol? – Neither are really superimportant but I would choose alcohol over cigarettes. 

25. Excercise or healthy eating? – Excercise

26. Favourite and least favourite accents? – I love irish accents, and basically any other accents too, only one I’d have to say is a little bit annoying is new zealand’s accent… They probably have loads of different one’s but just the ones I’ve heard. 

27. What are you looking forward to? – Ed Sheeran’s concert this fall/winter.

28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? – Nope, what is that?

29. Are you more attracted to men or women? – Men

30. Do you like 1980s fashion? – No not really

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