Weird workout tip #1

I have a very strange workout tip to share with you guys. Some might think it’s a bit extreme. I have done a few workouts using this tip and have noticed it really works for me. This does not work for everybody, I’m aware, but for me it’s been good. 

A big part of working out and eating good (for me at least) is to stay healthy, be like a parent for your body (strict, but out of love), and feel mentally good and proud of yourself. For me it helps to not only acknowledge the great things I’m doing, but also the things I’m not doing; and for me that is mostly eating bad stuff. It’s hard for me to cut out bad stuff, so now that I somewhat have done that, I like showing myself that I’m strong.

 So, my strange tip is looking at pictures of bad foods online while eating a healthy snack/meal or excercising. I have done it during both. When I did a cardio workout a moment ago, I was running in place and while I was doing that I searched for food on Weheartit. It makes me feel good to acknowledge that “hey, this is what I could be doing to my body right now, but instead I’m being strong and running”. The same goes for snack/meal times. If I eat a big plate of veggies, I like comparing what I’m eating to pictures online. I know exactly what that burger tastes like in that photo, but I feel strong for eating the better option instead. 

I think this is something that’s going to motivate me in the long run. I’m excited. xxx 


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