
Now that my week of exams is over I have a little more time for some relaxing. Something I want to start doing more is watching documentaries. What should I watch? 

I watched Jesus Camp the other day, which I’d seen before but it’s just so insane and very well made. I get extremely creeped out when I watch it but it’s definitely worth watching! One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen, if not the best. Another one I watched (on the same day actually haha) was Bully. It is a very touching documentary about bullying. It really makes you think. I cannot comprehend (no matter how hard I try) how people think it’s okay to make someone’s life so miserable. 

Some other documentaries I’m thinking about watching are: Aftermath: the legacy of suicide, Hannah’s anecdote, Tania Head: the 911 faker, Biology of Dads, and The American Abortion War. Have you guys seen any of those? What are your thoughts on the ones you’ve seen? What are some other documentaries you’d recommend? xxx