
I made a simple, delicious (although somewhat unattractive) dinner today. I’m eating healthy, and loving it. I haven’t really craved anything unhealthy, except that I ate a few sugarfree pastilles today. But I’ve been good with meals. This meal is just marinated chicken and avocado (if any of you were wondering). Hope you had/have a great day! xxx 


Food thoughts

I am in need of inspiration, advice, tips, recipes – anything I can get, about food. I find the “what should I have for dinner” question harder and harder to answer. Back when I lived with my mom I used to think I love cooking. At one point (years ago) I even thought I’d want to become a chef. Now that I live on my own I have noticed that I hate cooking. Hate might be a strong word, I do like it a bit sometimes, but that sometimes means extremely rarely. Most days I hate cooking. I have no imagination and no energy to think of stuff to make. I try to make as much food as possible by myself. I’ve realized that the freshman 15 (which I feel has happened to me too a bit) is mostly because of fast foods. I don’t eat takeaways or fast food restaurant foods, but I mean the storebought meals. They have so many bad ingredients. I think I need to work on not eating those pretty much ever, and also drinking less soda. I want to look and feel better, at least next summer on my birthday.

 I found some inspiring foodpictures on weheartit. There were mostly unhealthy foods when I just searched for “food” so it took a while to find good ones. Do you have recipes or other tips for me? xxx


My newest obsession

This new obsession of mine has to do with breakfast. Very strange, considering I don’t really like eating breakfast. Actually I do eat this in the evenings too, as a snack. It’s natural yoghurt (AB-yoghurt), one sliced banana, and some cinnamon! Yum. Sometimes I add a tiny bit of sugar, because since the yoghurt isn’t flavoured or sweetened it’s pretty sour. But I love this, and it’s healthy! I’ve also been eating it with porridge instead of yoghurt, or sometimes without cinnamon.