
Place: I have a couple. My bed, the house we rent sometimes in Gran Canaria, and my mom’s house. 

Person: My aunt Eva probably. Also her son, my 2,5-year-old cousin. 

Color: Guess some people wouldn’t even call them colors, but black and white. I also love copper but that’s not really a color either. Clearly I’m not that colorful.

Food: Lasagna

Smell: Gingerbread-houses. I don’t love the smell when you bake gingerbread but when the air has been cleared and you can just get a whiff of the smell when you walk by the house it’s so good.

Book: My answer is quite mainstream, since it’s basically all of the John Green books and also the Perks of being a wallflower.

Movie: the Notebook, Life as we know it, the Blindside, etc.

Music artist: Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, James Bay, Tom Odell, Shawn Mendes…

Genre of music: Singer/songwriter and pop, and indie as well.

Genre of literature: novels for young adults basically. The only things I really don’t like are sci-fi or fantasy books.

Magazine: Vogue and Marieclaire.

Texture: Clean sheets.

Time of day: I’m most productive at night, but I also like lazy mornings.

Day of the week: Right now it’s wednesday since I have that day off, and it’s a little minibreak in the middle of the week.

Thing to do when bored: Watch youtube. I watch it when I’m not bored too though. Yes I’m an addict.

Celebrity: Khloe Kardashian. She’s strong, doesn’t take any shit from anyone, and she’s very funny.

Class in school: I loved all the languages I studied; finnish, swedish, english and german.

Drink: If I’m going for an alcoholic drink it’s Rum&coke, if I’m going for non-alcoholic it’s the Little miracles iced tea, or just a diet coke.

Animal: I’m so torn between cats and dogs. I love them both equally.

Flower: I should definitely have a favorite for future reference right? I don’t really have one right now though… I like tulips a lot I guess.

TV show: Modern family, Grey’s anatomy, the Big bang theory, Friends, HIMYM, New girl, seriously I could go on for a while.

Sound: the breaths of the person sleeping next to me.

Fruit: Banana.

Vegetable: Carrot or sweet pepper.

Store/shop: H&M, Monki. For food I think the bigger the store, the better.

Article of clothing you own: I have two new sweaters, a patterned one which you’ve sort of seen in selfies, and a red big christmas sweater.

Workout: I like the 7-minute-workout app for a quick sweat.

Quote: “Whatever you are, be a good one”

Boy’s name: Boston/Tristan

Girl’s name: Emiliana/Lana

Potato chip flavor:Sweet chili

Meal of the day:Lunch or dinner. I’m not a fan of breakfast.

Ice cream flavor: Strawberry.

Soda: Diet coke.

Popcorn flavor: The flavored popcorn isn’t really a thing here. There’s butter flavor (movie-theater popcorn) but that’s really it. We also pretty much only have salty popcorn. I prefer the regular salted ones.

Season: Fall.

Month of the year: September probably, or August.

Disney princess: Belle. I don’t know why, because Beauty& the Beast wasn’t my favorite disneymovie, but somehow she was my favorite as a kid, and still kind of is.

YouTube channel: the Sacconejolys IF I have to choose only one. It depends on the day.

Eye color: Armygreen.

Dessert: I don’t love dessert. I mean I like candy and chips and stuff, like snacks, but I’m not all about dessert. I like the taste but it’s usually too sweet for me. I like cheesecake a lot, so that’s probably my favorite, but I can only have like one bite before it gets too sweet.

Candy: Chocolatecovered liquoricetoffees by Brunberg. They’re so amazing.

Restaurant: I don’t have one favorite but I like either burgerplaces like Hard rock café (or other similar places), or sushirestaurants. Asian buffets are great cause you get sushi as well as chinese or thai foods.

Language: English. 

Thing to learn about: People. I also want to learn Spanish.

Thing about yourself: I’m very loyal. I feel like I value listening to my own needs too (as well as other peoples’ needs), which I’ve recently accepted and started liking about myself. I know what I need and want, and I’m okay with it. It’s a pretty cool feeling to slowly figure yourself out more and more.

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