
Place: I have a couple. My bed, the house we rent sometimes in Gran Canaria, and my mom’s house. 

Person: My aunt Eva probably. Also her son, my 2,5-year-old cousin. 

Color: Guess some people wouldn’t even call them colors, but black and white. I also love copper but that’s not really a color either. Clearly I’m not that colorful.

Food: Lasagna

Smell: Gingerbread-houses. I don’t love the smell when you bake gingerbread but when the air has been cleared and you can just get a whiff of the smell when you walk by the house it’s so good.

Book: My answer is quite mainstream, since it’s basically all of the John Green books and also the Perks of being a wallflower.

Movie: the Notebook, Life as we know it, the Blindside, etc.

Music artist: Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, James Bay, Tom Odell, Shawn Mendes…

Genre of music: Singer/songwriter and pop, and indie as well.

Genre of literature: novels for young adults basically. The only things I really don’t like are sci-fi or fantasy books.

Magazine: Vogue and Marieclaire.

Texture: Clean sheets.

Time of day: I’m most productive at night, but I also like lazy mornings.

Day of the week: Right now it’s wednesday since I have that day off, and it’s a little minibreak in the middle of the week.

Thing to do when bored: Watch youtube. I watch it when I’m not bored too though. Yes I’m an addict.

Celebrity: Khloe Kardashian. She’s strong, doesn’t take any shit from anyone, and she’s very funny.

Class in school: I loved all the languages I studied; finnish, swedish, english and german.

Drink: If I’m going for an alcoholic drink it’s Rum&coke, if I’m going for non-alcoholic it’s the Little miracles iced tea, or just a diet coke.

Animal: I’m so torn between cats and dogs. I love them both equally.

Flower: I should definitely have a favorite for future reference right? I don’t really have one right now though… I like tulips a lot I guess.

TV show: Modern family, Grey’s anatomy, the Big bang theory, Friends, HIMYM, New girl, seriously I could go on for a while.

Sound: the breaths of the person sleeping next to me.

Fruit: Banana.

Vegetable: Carrot or sweet pepper.

Store/shop: H&M, Monki. For food I think the bigger the store, the better.

Article of clothing you own: I have two new sweaters, a patterned one which you’ve sort of seen in selfies, and a red big christmas sweater.

Workout: I like the 7-minute-workout app for a quick sweat.

Quote: “Whatever you are, be a good one”

Boy’s name: Boston/Tristan

Girl’s name: Emiliana/Lana

Potato chip flavor:Sweet chili

Meal of the day:Lunch or dinner. I’m not a fan of breakfast.

Ice cream flavor: Strawberry.

Soda: Diet coke.

Popcorn flavor: The flavored popcorn isn’t really a thing here. There’s butter flavor (movie-theater popcorn) but that’s really it. We also pretty much only have salty popcorn. I prefer the regular salted ones.

Season: Fall.

Month of the year: September probably, or August.

Disney princess: Belle. I don’t know why, because Beauty& the Beast wasn’t my favorite disneymovie, but somehow she was my favorite as a kid, and still kind of is.

YouTube channel: the Sacconejolys IF I have to choose only one. It depends on the day.

Eye color: Armygreen.

Dessert: I don’t love dessert. I mean I like candy and chips and stuff, like snacks, but I’m not all about dessert. I like the taste but it’s usually too sweet for me. I like cheesecake a lot, so that’s probably my favorite, but I can only have like one bite before it gets too sweet.

Candy: Chocolatecovered liquoricetoffees by Brunberg. They’re so amazing.

Restaurant: I don’t have one favorite but I like either burgerplaces like Hard rock café (or other similar places), or sushirestaurants. Asian buffets are great cause you get sushi as well as chinese or thai foods.

Language: English. 

Thing to learn about: People. I also want to learn Spanish.

Thing about yourself: I’m very loyal. I feel like I value listening to my own needs too (as well as other peoples’ needs), which I’ve recently accepted and started liking about myself. I know what I need and want, and I’m okay with it. It’s a pretty cool feeling to slowly figure yourself out more and more.

Transformation Tuesday

I’m excited to start a healthier chapter in my life. I feel like everyone’s saying this all the time, especially now that we’re approaching the new year. I want this to work for me though. I also want to start right now, I don’t wanna make it an unserious resolution. I’m not doing it for looks, I’m doing it for happiness (and health). One of my goals is still to loose weight though. Some other goals are more flexibility and to start enjoying cardio more. I can do it!

I also want to have a better diet, and that’s where you guys come in. I’ve already started eating veggies as snacks instead of something else, and I also don’t really eat bread in the mornings. My hardest thing to cut is sodas. Today I ordered a few alternative drinks from a fitnesstore, as well as some green tea pills. Green tea is very good for the body, it helps in many cleansing ways, and I don’t like to drink tea so that’s why I bought the pills. My questions for you guys however are: What’s a food you’d like to see me cut out of my diet? What food do you think would be good to eat? Do you have any other advice, some people I should follow, some good workouts or recipes? I would truly appreciate all the tips and thoughts I can get. Xxx 


Awkwardly intrigueing questions

1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom? -There are probably many of them. I’d like to ask a certain person what they think of me, I have some questions I’d like to ask my roommate, etc. I think everyone has loads of these.

2. What’s something you hide about your personality? -Probably how sad I can get, and also how much I want to feel loved. I like spending time alone and I’m very independent, but I think people are quick to categorize me as a happy single woman just because of those things. I’d much rather be dating someone than be lonely tbh.

3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with? -Probably that I’m too feisty and emotional sometimes. I think I show things that should be shown. There’s so much that I still hide, I think everyone does.

4. How do you deal with criticism? -I don’t get loads of criticism. Constructive critisism is always good, for example with music I am always willing to listen and learn. About looks I don’t believe there’s ever an excuse to criticize anyone, so that I don’t take lightly.

5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? -Given me a rose when I was watching him dance a tango at his prom. Also cooking for me when he absolutely did not know how to.

6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? -Small gifts and cute notes, sounds so stupid but I really feel it’s the little things that count in life. Things that make you happy in the moment.

7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? -Just some relationship things, cooking for me is always a good thing. Also just small surprises in general. Not even only in relationships. Once one of my best friends just bought me a pair of earrings for no specific reason, just to make me smile.

8. Describe your favourite texture. -My gym pants are so thin so they feel great on the body, yet they’re not too cold. Yogapant material…

9. Trigger warning: Which national or global tragedy were you closest to and how did it affect you? -Hmm I don’t know which events classify as this. We’ve had a few schoolshootings here in Finland, which is terrible. More recently the Paris terrorattacks hit close to home for me since I’ve been there 1,5 years ago and just had the most amazing time there. It was a drastic change for the city and how we see it for sure.

10. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance. -I might do this in a whole nother post but not here…

11. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why? -I’d love to have lunch with Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars because I’d love to hear how she’s doing later after the book/movie ends.

12. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration? -Probably many people who have commited suicide. It sounds horrible to say that, but the people they leave behind when they choose to go on their own, are the people who show me the selfish part of suicide. I would never do that to my family. That would ruin their lives more than anyone elses. And yes your death matters to people. (Just a disclaimer, I’m not depressed at the moment but at worse times this is a reminder).

13. What’s your least “politically correct” opinion? -I don’t feel like I have many. The world is becoming so much more open and affectionate towards different kinds of people, that I feel like my opinions are politically correct. However, I know quite a few people who find it strange that I’m for abortion, but would not consider it myself (unless I was raped).

14. What kind of underwear do you imagine Sherlock Holmes wears? -Tighty whities

15. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do? -Move on from my first love, get on good terms with my father. Those two stand out. 

16. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? -I feel like I should make some kind of science joke with my answer but I honetly don’t know what I’d even be.

17. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do? -Get mad when I’m sick. They’re concerned but they show it in the wrong way.

18. Which movie character do you most identify with and why? -No one really comes to mind. I’d like to answer this when I’ve lived some more…

19. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? -My weapon of choice would be a bow and arrow cause I’ve always wanted to learn to shoot with those. I don’t have a line, I would do everything sneakily.

20. What’s the silliest fan theory you’ve ever come up with? -Probably now when Taylor Swift was m.i.a with Calvin Harris a thought that crossed my mind (and quickly exited) was that she’s pregnant and they’re somewhere private thinking about a plan.

21. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night? -How hungover I was. I had the craziest saturday to sunday, partied until 3pm on sunday…

22. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you? -Poopoo, poop, boobie

23. What motivates you in life? -Love

24. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that? -Pianomusic. My ex was an excellent pianoplayer. Well he still is. Always think of him when someone plays solo. Can’t say it has ruined it, but I really can’t hear piano without him crossing my mind.

25. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives? -Interesting how this didn’t even say if, it just said when. Honestly I think I’d lock myself in my apartment and then just die when they get in.

26. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why? -I’m not good with mt mythological creatures. Maybe a unicorn because they’re coulourful personalities.

27. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had. – Again… Perhaps it’s own post? What do you guys think?

28. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life. -This could be a post too, but I will say I am the worst at talking behind someone’s back. I feel like they’re always standing behind me without me knowing. 

29. What’s something that scares you about the future? -Everything… I’m not a fan of uncertainty

30. List 5 quirky things about yourself. -I’m a homebody, I hate hearing people brushing their teeth, I don’t like cheese, I love crosswordpuzzles and sudokus, I start christmas in september.

31. Describe your dream library. -My dreamlibraby is one that would have a store in it so I wouldn’t have to leave to but food, and it would have all the youtuberbooks and more selfhelpbooks.

32. What’s the weirdest item you’ve ever mourned? -Probably some kind of makeup that I’ve dropped on the ground.

33. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? -It would be a new haunted house. The one in Linnanmäki in Helsinki doesn’t get renewed often enough.

34. Do you have any “rules” about food? -I’m not a big sharer, and don’t make me try something I don’t want to try. Also boiled veggies are so disgusting. Have them fresh and raw or cooked in the oven, but don’t make them crappy mush.

35. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? -Depends on the gap and the ages. It gets more normal the older you get. I don’t mind other people’s agegaps but for me right now he can only be one year younger, and about 7 years older.

36. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about? -Try to lose loads of weight. I don’t wanna say so because I don’t want people watching and pressuring and being curious. Also I want to seem confident.

37. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for. -Basically almost my entire senior year of highschool.

38. How do you approach social situations? -I don’t really give them extra thought. They’re just situations. After them I usually need a bit of alonetime though.

39. What is your ideal bed? Why? -My bed is perfect. A bed that can fit two people but where we still aren’t able to have a huge gap between us. I want space but also intimacy.

Coming on Tuesday: favorite youtubechannels, and interior design inspiration. What would you like me to post about? Love you lots, xxx

8 questions

21. Who has influenced you the most?-Probably my mom. Hearing her struggles from before I was born, how important my birth was for her, and how amazing she’s been during my life, makes me so thankful to have her. She is seriously someone I look up to so much.

22. What are your favorite lyrics? -I like so many because I basically always listen to songs for the lyrics. I really like “Keep me where the light is” which is a lyric by John Mayer. That’s one of my all time favorites, and also a great tattoo-idea. My most recent favorite is “they say the time’s supposed to heal you, but I aint done much healing” from Adele’s new song Hello. A funnier favorite is from Taylor Swift’s song Blank Space: “Oh my god, look at that face. You look like my next mistake”. 
23. Real jeans or jeggings? -Jeans but I also love wearing leggings. This reminded me I should go get some new ones. 
24. On the first day of ruling the world, what would you do? -I would think of new effective charities to start up, and maybe make a fun new holiday for that date. It’s really hard to think about something important and good to do.
25. If you were forced to open a bakery, what would you name it? -Klara’s Kupkakes maybe? Kind of the K-theme like the Kardashians haha. But from my name obviously.
26. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done on a date? -I haven’t done anything particularly weird although once me and my exboyfriend had cozytimes at home and lost track of time and got to the movies 20 minutes too late, but a worker still let us in with her key, so basically we came in to the first big song in Les Miserables. Got some stares.
27. What do you hope to achieve by 50? -I hope I have teenaged/grown up children and a husband, a nice career, and maybe am planning my next vacation. Just enjoying life.
28. What has been your best moment this year (so far)? -Probably moving out of my mom’s house! Independence! Yippiie…

If you’d like to ask me some questions that haven’t been answered in the past few days, feel free to submit your questions in the comments! I love doing QA’s and lists like this. It would be fun to have personalized questions that I know someone actually wants to know, haha. xxx

9 questions

12. If you had to choose between using Internet Explorer forever, or permanently using an AOL e-mail address, which one would it be? -Cringe!! Can I be selfless and give both options to someone else, teehee. Angel…
13. If you could either be a duck or an owl, which would you be? -A duck?
14. What do you love about yourself most? -I love that I’m caring and funny, and I love my eyes and cheekbones.
15. What don’t you like so much? -My tendensies to be a little depressed, which also makes me have more lazy, lonely days (which doesn’t make it better), and also my weight. 
16. Rugrats or Doug? -Neither really interest me.
17. Which house would you belong to in Game of Thrones? Like, very honestly. -I don’t watch Game of Thrones so I don’t know the houses.
18. If you got a (new) tattoo, what would it be of? -I’d perhaps want a text on my foot that says “Long way down” which kind of represents that I should always remember to be high enough on the positivityscale that nothing can pull me under or drag me down. A giraffe with the text “Stand tall” would also be cool. Later in life I definitely want my children’s names or something else that commemorates them.
19. What would you like to eat for your last meal? -Fajitas and diet coke :-). 
20. If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose? -Probably the show where they meet the person they’re about to marry at the altar, and then they see if the marriages work. That seems the most genuine, at least the Finnish version.

11 questions

1. Who are your top three lady heroes?-My mom, my aunt, and Lea Michele. Strong women who’ve been through a lot.

2. When you were little, what did you want to be? -A singer. Still might want to be that except I was in the musicprogramme in highschool and kind of realized that it’s very difficult to maintain your voice and health and being able to sing every day on tours and stuff.
3. Who do you think should run for president in two years? -Lol so obviously these questions are a bit old. I’m not from the US but I’m definitely rooting for Hillary Clinton.
4. What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year? Ever? -I don’t think I’ve read an entire book this year… That sounds so bad. I have just been reading so many books for exams, and now for university. 
5. What makes you feel afraid? -Sometimes I feel afraid when I’m walking home alone in the dark.
6. Would you rather get lunch with Gillian Flynn or J.K. Rowling? -J.K Rowling.
7. What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory? -I honestly have a really bad memory about childhood things, but once when I hopped a fence when I was like 11 my pants ripped. That was embarrasing. Thankfully one of the boys in my class was nice enough to loan me his hoodie to put around my waist while walking home. So sweet. 
8. If you had the option of adopting a baby fox or baby koala, which one would you choose? -Baby koala.
9. What’s your dream job? -Right now it’s probably working for a company where I have some sort of high position. I’m also intrigued by the sort of lifestyle many vloggers have, working from home and such. I’d love to be a blogger or something fulltime.
10. Who is your favorite mythological god/goddess? -I’m not very into them.
11. Who was your first crush? -Probably some boy in my class when I was about eight years old, can’t remember which one haha… 


Going back to an ex

This is going to be kind of a storytime/ advice/ lifelesson post. Personal nevertheless. I have written about this story in some form earlier, probably about a year ago. Going back to your ex. I thought I’d discuss some pros/cons in this post.

First of all, my story (the short version anyway). My first love and I had been broken up for well over a year. We were in the same highschool so we’d stayed friends and slowly gotten over the tough part. We were in a somewhat okay place. Then we had a couple of summernights where we were hanging out and just sort of went back to each other for two nights. Very passionate, safe, and just full of love. The first love kind of love, that always lingers there. Then some things happened and we just left it at that, as two amazing nights we won’t forget but will probably not repeat.

I have to say I would’ve expected more negatives to come from this thing that some would concider a “relapse” or a fallback. One immediate negative was that some of our nearest and dearest who found out about it weren’t happy about it. Concerned, understandably, but with these things you feel like you want to be able to make your own mistakes (if that’s what they ultimately are). Another con is something I have recently discovered. The could’ve, would’ve, should’ve’s. If I would have told him it meant something to me instead of saying the exact opposite, would it had led to something more? Could I be in a happy commited relationship right now? These are of course thoughts that mostly only cross my mind on bad, lonely and sad days. Or at reflecting times like this.

I personally believe that going back to my ex has given me more than it’s taken. It has proven to me that our love truly was as big as I thought before, if not bigger. It has let me know that someone can actually care about me so much and want to go back to me (which I had a hard time believing before). Most importantly though, it gave me some amazing memories and now, whenever I think about my first love, this is the newest and clearest memory I have. Not the breakup, not his tears, not our fights, but these moments where we were just looking into each other’s eyes and there was just me and him in the world, and we were so lucky to have each other again even just temporarily.

Now I am by no means telling you to go for it. An on and off again relationship can be completely foolish. I am simply sharing my experience and my thoughts. For me this was an amazing experience. Maybe it could be the same for you, maybe not. 

Have you ever been in a similar situation? What did you do? How did it end? Thoughts? xxx

50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked

1. What’s your favorite candle scent? -Vanilla!! Those are literally the only ones I own but I own loads of them.
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? -Zoe Sugg!

3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? -I mean naturally Joe Sugg lol.

4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?-I think probably 30 but I’d love to get married at 25ish.

5. Do you know a hoarder? -I’m sort of one. Haha not majorly though I just think lots of things have emotional value…lol sounds like a hoarder actually.

6. Can you do a split? -No.

7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? -I don’t know… 

8. How many oceans have you swam in? -Haha I have no clue but I’ve swam in oceans in Finland, Greece, Italy, Canary Islands, Brazil, Estonia, aaand I probably forgot some other places but yeah someone please count the oceans for me hahaha…

9. How many countries have you been to? -About 15+ countries! May have forgotten some, just counted in my head. 

10. Is anyone in your family in the army? -No but it’s mandatory in Finland for men (not to go to like Afghanistan, but to be in the army in Finland for min. 6 months). And my sister actually went by choice for 9 months. Cool girl!!

11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? -I’ve answered this before, I don’t have a first name but something that goes with Emiliana as a middlename.

12. What would you name your son if you had one? -Milo, Edvin as a middle name, Jeremiah, Elias, Elliot… I have many.

13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? -F

14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? -Some finnish shows but I also loved the barbie movies. Barbie the nutcracker was the best.

15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? -Halloween is not a huge deal here. But probably as a witch in school.

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? -No.

17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? -British.

18. Did your mother go to college? -Well yes to UNI and she has a PhD and some other even cooler thing I can’t remember the name of.

19. Are your grandparents still married? -My biological grandma died before I was born but my grandma (the person I think of as my grandma) has been married to my grandpa my whole life, so my answer would be yes. 

20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? -No. 

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? -Yes but we don’t have that show here.

22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? -Linnanmäki in Helsinki.

23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? -I am fluent in Swedish, Finnish, English. I’d like to be fluent in German because I almost am, and then I’d love to be fluent in French, Spanish and Italian.

24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? -Grey.

25. Is your father bald? -Haha yes.

26. Do you know triplets? -No.

27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? -The notebook. It’s one of my favorite movies.

28. Have you ever had Indian food? -YES I love it!

29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? -Satkar which is a nepalese food(chain?) in Helsinki.

30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?-No.

31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)? -Belong to? No.

32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? -Onni Anton. Onni means happiness/luck in Finnish.

33. If you have a nickname, what is it? -Don’t have one.

34. Who’s your favorite person in the world? -My mom and probably someone I haven’t met yet :-).

35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? -I’m not sure, I like both.

36. Can you whistle? -Yes.

37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? No.

38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? -Mostly but I don’t like it.

39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? -No.

40. What medical conditions do you have? -None.

41. How many times have you been to the hospital? -As a patient only when I had my toncils removed.

42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? -No…

43. Where do you buy your jeans? -Wherever basically.

44. What’s the last compliment you got? -I can’t remember haha that’s so sad.

45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? -Sometimes.

46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? -No flavors ha…

47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? -Noo clue… Too many.

48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? -They can choose, I don’t practice any.

49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? -Probably around 9-10?

50. Why do you have a blog? -To have a creative outlet.

Endless text

Since I used to be very private about details about me, mostly because I wasn’t at all private about feelings and stories, you guys don’t really know much about me. I thought I’d do a little “get to know me tag” so you can learn a little something about me :). If you think this is fun you could totally answer one/some/all of these in the comments so I can learn about my readers as well! 

– I was not named after anyone. I asked my mom where my name came from once and she basically said they just “came up with it”. Wow great story thanks mom. 

I think I cried like a few days ago. Nothing major though.

I love my handwriting cause I think it sort of looks nice even when I’m being sloppy.            4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? -Wtf is lunchmeat, we don’t really have this expression in Finland…? I don’t really love sandwich meats, chicken and fish are my go to’s.                                                                    5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? -No, I do want kids at some point. 2-3 is ideal.                                  6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? I don’t think I’d like myself at first but I’d probably get to know me and really like me. Wow this question is crazy to answer haha.        7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? -No 😉               8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS?   -No, got them removed when I was about 7 years old after a chronic cough. Loved it though cause I got to eat popsicles all day.       9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? -NO.               10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?    -I don’t particularly eat cereal.                          11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? -Almost never                               12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yes both physically and emotionally. I can obviously break from time to time though.    13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM?  -Liquorice!!!                                                      14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? -Height                               15. RED OR PINK? -Pink for interior and stuff (like a blushpink, not hotpink), red for my lips!                                     16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? -Weight and my need to be loved.                                                 17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? -My family and friends and pets since I live on my own. Can’t really name one person.                18. WHAT IS THE PAUL MCKENNA TECHNIQUE THAT YOU NEED TO WORK ON THE MOST? -I have to say I’m not familiar with these techniques.                                                  19. WHAT COLOUR SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? -Not wearing shoes. Black socks.                                                        20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? -Drank some diet coke.                                                                     21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? -Nothing, watching ANTM.                                                                  22. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? -Black probably haha that’s literally my style.                                23. FAVORITE SMELLS? -Nepalese food                                  24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? -My sister                      25. MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY OR BEACH HOUSE? -Both but right now beach house. I’m still so cold from being outside this whole day.                                                                     26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH?           Hockey, handball and soccer.                          27. HAIR COLOR? -Brunette.                                            28. EYE COLOR? Brownish green.                                               29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? -Yes.                  30. FAVORITE FOOD? -Fajitas.                                     31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? –Happy endings!                                                      32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? -I don’t watch movies that much… Can’t remember.             33. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? -Red with bandanaprint lol.                                                      34. SUMMER OR WINTER? -Summer                             35. HUGS OR KISSES? -Both! Kisses feel a bit more exclusive though so I’ll pick those.                                  36. FAVORITE DESSERT? -Chocolate                               37. STRENGTH TRAINING OR CARDIO?         -Strenght training.                                                  38. COMPUTER OR TELEVISION? -Computer, I watch tv on there too.                  39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? -Just books for school. No novels.      40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? -I don’t have a mouse pad.                                     42. FAVORITE SOUND? -Someone sleeping next to me.                                                            43. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? -The beatles.                                                                     44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? -Brasil!                                          45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? -Not really anything special? Lame haha.      46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? -Helsinki.                   47. WHERE ARE YOU LIVING NOW?            -Turku, Finland.                                                        48. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HOUSE? -My house in Turku is white, my mom’s is bricks, and my dad’s is yellow. Basically my houses.          49. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR CAR? -I don’t have my own car.                                                   50. DO YOU LIKE ANSWERING 50 QUESTIONS? -Yes even though it’s probably super boring to read… 


It’s been waiting for you

One of our stops this summer was Zagreb, Croatia. It definitely did not disappoint. There were great tramlines, the architecture is beautiful (though it is so in most other european countries too). Some highlights were an artificial lake where you could go swimming, the museum of broken relationships (a definite must see!), and the market (can’t remember what it’s called). We also visited Maksmir zoo which I didn’t really enjoy because it was pouring down rain and it just felt miserable, the place was basically empty.

I did enjoy Zagreb a lot, and we stayed in a nice new hostel which I could definitely recommend and look up again if you want to know what it’s called and such. Also if you have questions about zagreb, my trip this past summer, or traveling in general, please do ask :)!  Xo