As any regular 20-year old, body issues and selfconfidence are some of the “hot topics” in my life. Your twenties are definitely the years of finding and accepting yourself. Of course it’s naive to believe that you could fully do that in just your twenties, since you are truly constantly changing. I do, however, believe that the acceptance of your body the way it is and at any weight or shape, is something important to do as early as possible. Obviously it is not just that easy, and for me it has definitely been a journey.

It’s a journey that’s far from over, and on that journey I am constantly going through major breakthroughs followed by setbacks. It’s a constant back and forth. A merry go round. That’s why I don’t want to call this post “my journey to bodypositivity/bodyconfidence” or anything like that. I feel like a headline like that would indicate that I am somehow at the end of that journey, or at least majorly on the “right side” of things. That’s not the case. I am, however, working very hard at being comfortable in my own skin, and especially loving my body at any weight. My weight fluctuates a lot, so I feel like it’s important for me to learn to love my body no matter how it looks on a particular day.

For the past few weeks I have been happier in my body. I’ve enjoyed my body the past few months, but the past weeks I’ve also liked the look of it. I’ve taken full body pictures in the mirror and not hated them or been disgusted by them. I’ve even posted a bit of bodypositivity on Instagram, and my plan is to do more of that probably on Sunday (@klaraemiliaa). I am very happy with the progress that has happened in my  mind, and I am truly hoping that this selflove and bodypositivity only continues to grow from here, and develops to something constant in my life. Loving yourself is truly what matters in life. Your body is your home, you are the person you spend your whole life with. As long as you are alive, your body is doing a good job. Your body is a great body. What part of your selfacceptance journey are you on?